Balloon Vegetables

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Just Don't Know...

Have you ever done something that, when you did it, you knew it was what God wanted. But after you did it you weren't sure if everything would work out. Or maybe the person you are reaching out to isn't going to be touched. They'll only end up not talking to you. But they needed to hear what you had to tell them from someone that they, at the very least, like. Now my mind is playing hopscotch... jump from one side to another then back again. but then again you sometimes must sacrifice for the sake of Christ......

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Hey, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

He's working

Wow! God is so amazing, but he is puzzling. He works, that is certain, but where is this all headed... who knows? God has been working in my life a lot in the past month or so. He is changing me to better me for his use. It is so spectacular to know that He doesn't need me, yet he chooses to use me, He wants me!!!! AAAAaaaahhhh!!!! I may be confused by this but I still am so awed by it.

Monday, April 10, 2006


This bike is a bright green beach cruiser! the seat's name is cow b/c it is white where your butt-cheeks go and black where your buttcrack goes and b/c it's fat. I haven't been able to ride it yet but I'm sure that it will be an exciting experience!!!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring Break Retreat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

This Spring Break was one of the grestest weeks of my life. I went to a younglife camp called southwind with the greatest youth group EVER, FireHouse!! God, before that week, had really been a stale taste in my mouth, my relationship with lord was at a plateau that was about to fall out from underneath me. Then this retreat came. I was ready to have a really fun time and had almost totally forgot about the most important aspect of this retreat, GOD!! The first few days had past and then during worship one night God hit me right in the face with a blow that would've knocked me right off of my feet. He was like, Hello Adam, did you forget something!!!!? Maybe that I am God, The should be center of you life!! This turned my life right back to the right direction. Now, Thanks to God I'm so on fire that I can't find a cold moment in my day. I'm so exited!!! Aaaaaaahhhhh WoooooooHoooooooo!!!!! Can you feel it? Its electric in the air!

Incredible God

The other day I was thinking about what God wanted me to do with my life, so I decided to pray over it. So i prayed that night. The next morning while I was reading my Bible I came across a couple of verses in 2 Corinthians 3:8-11. It was talking about how glorious the ministry was and how great it is. So I'm pretty sure that God wants me to be in the ministry somehow, like a Youth pastor or something. How awesome in God!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Christian . . . only not!

The majority of my school's so called christians aren't as christian as they should/could be. At first glance I took some of them to be people who I could really be God followers. But now that I am in my sophomore year i can see straight through their charades. This really gets my worked up because I'm here struggling to overcome temptations and they are out in the land of sin soing on like they're doing God a favor by disregarding those things He commands. BLAH BLAH!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

New Century Buffet

I went to the New Century Buffet last night for dinner and taday for lunch. It is really wierd going to the same place twice im two days. My sister, Ashlyn, is dramatized about NCB because she thinks that they serve cats and dogs. That would be really wierd. Oh well!